Wednesday 4 December 2013
Competition. Manipulation. Revolution. These seemingly ambiguous words basically summarize the bigger picture behind the love story of Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark. Catching Fire was about government, power, and social status. It is about how people from the upper class used their advantage to technology to achieve personal interests and favors. Also in this movie, the wide gap between the rich and the poor is greatly emphasized. It implies that as the rich people get to dominate and control over the high technology, the poor ones get left out and eventually enslaved even more.

As a Sci-Fi Movie

With all the unrealistic scenes of transporting people from one place to another, manipulating the weather condition, and using quite an advanced technology, it can be said that Catching Fire is a science fiction movie. The bourgeoisies from the capitol live a comfortable, lavish, and over-the-top kind of life as they use modern technology – from holograms to 24/7- 3600 surveillance, to man-made arenas for the annual hunger games.

Past, Present, and Future

Once in the arena, the tributes’ goal is to stay alive and nothing else, just like the old age instinct. On the other side of the coin, authorities use technology to sustain their standing in society. A combination of the primitive survival instinct, modern-day government and societal problems, and futuristic technological advancement pretty much sums up the second installment of The Hunger Games.

The Main Purpose

In the Capitol of Panem, disorder, poverty, immorality, and hatred prevail. There is war here and there, letting the citizens suffer and die. Districts versus districts versus districts versus districts battle for supplies and survival.

Technology is meant to give aid and assistance to all people. It is further developed for convenience and utility. But sadly, upon watching the movie, it seems as if technology became the means of division, chaos and war across the 12 districts.

Garcia Dianne S.
2013 BS Chemical Engineering


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