Wednesday 11 December 2013
At the beginning of the movie, I was quite interested in story behind Andre’s death. I expected a deeper and complex reason as to how and why he died. But as the flashback, starts I lost my interest in the movie. The film was not entertaining since seeing Andre as half human-half fly is really quite disturbing. Also the flow of the story was too slow for me, that I think most of us who watched the film could predict what was going to happen.
With the appearance of Andre being set aside, through the film, I still learned how scientists before, worked. They are really determined to know the right formula to perfect their own inventions. A lot of trial and error had to be made and also a lot of experiments with living things, even with the scientist himself. I would consider it as a morality play. Andre wasn’t conscious of what he was experimenting with. Either it has life or not, he still used this as his experiment. I think it is a lesson that experimenting takes a lot of care and thinking. Great things often come out of accidents, but sometimes even much worse things could come out of not-well-thought-of experiments.

I can say that even those scientists before think innovatively. They have concepts that are really futuristic and to think that this film was made in the 1950’s, the major invention in the movie is still not seen today. I can say that scientists today and before are of no difference. But the way the inventions presented in the movie is different from how I would picture them today. The teleportation machine would look a lot different if it were to be presented today in our generation. It would look more advanced, high technology and neatly as compared to the movie, which was too complicated with wires and the lights turning blue and yellow. 


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