Monday 10 March 2014
Imagine washing your clothes in the nearby river from your house? Or fetching water 7-8 times from the nearby well just to be able to wash your clothes? Or maybe spending almost the whole day doing you laundry of 1-week-clothes? Isn’t it hassle for you to do that? Good thing, washing machines were invented. We don’t have to do all the things mentioned above just for us to be able to use our clothes again. But what if we are to live in the past? Well, these are what we are to be experiencing during those times.

This photo essay is a brief but imaginative and creative timeline of washing machine, and under the pictures are very short descriptions about the photos. I hope that you, reader, will be entertained and at the same time be informed of how doing laundry looked like before and how it evolved into the washing machines that we are all using today.




A Net and A Washboard

 People before used to wash their clothes using net, washboard and basin.

 Before, there are no faucets, that's why most people used pumps in order to have water.

 Here in the Philippines, we used to use this "Palo-palo" to help remove soap from the washed clothes.

 People before also used pails in order to fetch water that will be used in washing clothes.

 Here is a mini replica of James King's invention of washing machine in 1851 in wherein it is still done manually but with less hassle and water used.

 Here again is another mini replica of a rotary washing machine that has a wringer on top. The rotary washing machine was first invented by Hamilton Smith in 1858 and later improved by William Blackstone in 1878.

 The picture above is now what most washing machines look like. Alva J. Fisher was the first one who invented washing machines powered by electricity.

 The person above is washing clothes using a washing machine, which also includes a dryer beside connected to it.

 Here is an example of a dryer(this was what the wringer before was for) that is separated from the washing machine.

 The present-day washing machines have improved a lot and here are some of the features of these modern machines. Of course, the number one is the plug.

 This is what the interior looks like. Its features are improved not only to wash clothes but to also maintain the quality of the clothes that are being washed.

And here is the hose where water flows after being used in the washing machine.

 Lastly, here are the buttons and "setters" where we can choose how strong or how slow we want the spinners inside to spin.

Yukozimo(2010), Who invented the washing machine? Who invented it? Retrieved from on March 8, 2014
Vaunt Design Group(2005), Washing machine The great idea finder Retrieved from on March 9, 2014 


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