Sunday 16 March 2014
And yet, another paraphernalia shows who Imelda Marcos, the wife of the late president Ferdinand Marcos, truly is. In the documentary shown to us, I admit that I really appreciated her beauty. Her beauty is unlike the usual beauty. I can say that she has the qualities of a true Filipina beauty. But besides that, I also admire the way she thinks, well not in every aspect but in some.
Well, first of, I think the way she helped his husband from the very start was incomparable to the other first ladies of the other Philippine presidents. In my point of view, I think she used the beauty that she has to capture the attention and side of the Filipino mass. I also think that she was the tool that Marcos used when it comes to negotiations. These are the clear reasons why I think her beauty and kind of intelligence really helped his husband a lot, politically.
Of course, in every good side is an equal downside. As I see it, I think Imelda had developed so much self-esteem while she was still the First Lady of the Philippines. I think the presidency wasn’t just taken over by a single man but she was also there in aide of what the Marcos needed and wanted. Both of them were a team leading the nation under their controls. Evidences that Imelda was also one of the “in-control” were her projects of new buildings that really cost a lot. I think these buildings and institutions that she had built would be helpful to a country that has a great economy and where poverty is not present. But for the country like ours, I think these aren’t that essential enough since a lot are really suffering from poverty and are in need of financial help.
In addition to the effects of having much self-esteem, I think with so much confidence, she considers herself as the most beautiful person here in our country. She may never have told it directly but with her actions and words, it is evident that she really considers herself as the most beautiful among everybody. She gave her mini self-portraits to those who were just outside her van trying to see her. She even applied make up on during the interview. I think she badly wants attention from everyone surrounding her.
With the power that she had during their family’s reign, Imelda Marcos slowly became absorbed with that power and never let go of it even until now that she isn’t the First Lady anymore. She became too obsessed with the beauty that she thinks she possesses that she thinks everyone admires her. She considers herself as the patron of arts and the standard that Filipinos should live up to. With everything, she relates it to beauty. Which is why, in turn, instead of admiration of her, a certain annoyance and ludicrousness is perceived of her.  


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