Thursday 20 March 2014
Ferdinand Marcos will forever be known as a great president. He is surely a remarkable one because of many positive and negative things. He definitely made a really great impact not only in this country, but also in the neighboring nations as well.

When we encounter Pres. Ferdinand Marcos, we never fail to incorporate or mention his loving wife, Imelda Marcos.

Imelda Marcos was a both famous and infamous in many places around the globe. She was the first first lady to actually step up and help her husband in doing his work as a politician, more specifically the president of the Philippines. She got her hands dirty as she reached out to the millions and millions of citizens, especially her husband’s supporters and followers.

Imelda Marcos paved the way to a more cultured society as she supported our very own cultural activities. She thought that the way to beautify this country was to strengthen the cultural aspect of our nation. Her goal was to make a home as the Philippine’s “mother”.

She lived a life of luxury and wealth, a life desired by many yet deprived from many. She believed that by living the “good and comfortable” life, she makes the people who adore her feel comfortable with the life they are living. She thought that by beautifying herself, she makes her supporters beautiful as well.

I think Imelda Marcos lived a life of misbeliefs. She lived a life with a distorted vision of reality and beauty. Although her intentions were pure, her means of achieving them little did help the state of the nation she strives to represents.


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