Monday 10 March 2014
Basically, the role of science is that it tries its best to help us understand life and music gives meaning to our lives. Without either one, our lives would be very different.  But come to think of it science can also give meaning to our lives and music can also help us understand our lives.

Science can give meaning to life because science makes us curious, it makes us think, it makes us discover and learn. Throughout this process we realize the beauty of life. Music help us understand our lives because music is not just sound. It is full of culture and history.

Most of us separate music and science and see no connection between them. But before, the philosophers strive to be universal men. They studied art, science, music, math, philosophy and everything under the sun. They believed that men should not just focus on one study but everything that is available, and I think we should too. 

2011-02035, Patricia Carmela V. Andayon 


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