Saturday 8 March 2014
There was always a joke around the air base near my house. People would always say that the wives of the airmen have even greater ranks than the actual men themselves. History has proved this statement almost always true, time and time again. The epitome of this situation is none other than Imelda Marcos herself.

She was used to always being adored by the people around her. As a child, she was given the gift of a great voice. Growing up, she became aware of the power her incredible beauty gave her. She was used to meeting important people, and all the attention seemed normal for her. She has, after all, always craved to be in the spotlight.

People always assumed that she held more power than the late President Marcos had. She had her own way. She wanted to experience the power that her husband has, so he in turn helps her win the election which put her in the governor's office in the city of Manila. She prioritized beauty, and her husband then allocated a lot more funds for the establishment of her cultural centers instead of using the resources to improve the state of the society at the time. Yes, this indeed is the evidence that she held more power than the president himself.

She is tough but weak at the same time. Upon the loss of her husband, her decisions and her train of thought became even more erratic. She claims to put God, peace and beauty above all. She claims that one must spend a lot of time and put a lot of effort into making oneself beautiful. It is a practice, she said. Nevertheless, she has made some great improvements on the morale of some people during the time. She is indeed, the Iron Lady of the Philippines.


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