Thursday 20 March 2014
Music takes up a huge part of our lives. From the lullabies when we were babies up to a certain genre of our choice, they played a significant role in our development. Music can be a technique to increase productivity, a tool for the exploration of academic study, or even just a form of relaxation. We always look at the specific use that, sometimes, we miss the big picture. And this is why with the thousands of music existing today, we fail to appreciate the wonder that each one is unique from the other. This big picture, is that there is an entire system that surrounds music – timbre, dynamics, texture, rhytm, and pitch, among others. In these elements, there exists more sub-groups. Aside from these, however, are social context and culture. These two factors contribute greatly into how not one form of music is exactly the same as another.

Through time, each generation are exposed to different settings, each one having a culture of their own. With this, everything that they create becomes a unique representation of their own era. This also applies to music and its forms. Among the factors, science is a heavy influencer. Most, evident or not, tackles a specific study of science whether it might be evolution, metamorphosis, or time travel. With over hundreds of topics to choose from, humankind will certainly be able to produce and increase the thousands of music forms in existence. How wonderful is that?


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