Thursday 20 March 2014
Mikko Chino R. Salvador / 2013-70157
Reaction Paper #5
March 20, 2014

“Time Enough at Last” is an episode of The Twilight Zone in which the main protagonist, Henry Bemis, is saved from a massive nuclear wipeout by his love for reading books. After the wipeout, he found himself alone but later, he found a stash of books from a library. He has already planned his next few years alone by choosing which books he would read when suddenly, his glasses fell to the ground, shattering the lenses and his dreams of reading along with it.

If I were to make an adaptation for it, I would modernize it. I would make Henry Bemis a teenager addicted to internet. He always finds the time for surfing the net, escaping all his real life responsibilities while doing so. When he finds himself alone after a huge nuclear wipeout, he would be happy because all his responsibilities are gone and so is the nagging that comes along with it. But then, his laptop becomes low on battery and after hours and hours of looking for the charger, he couldn’t find it. Giving up on finding the charger and realizing the mistakes he have done in neglecting his responsibilities and being addicted to the internet, he wakes up from a dream and finds himself surrounded by his parents and friends and he immediately hugs them tightly.

I admit my story generic and corny but nonetheless, the fact is that internet addiction is a really huge problem in today’s generation. Responsibilities are forgotten or are put away for later just because of internet addiction. I want to emphasize it using this story and I hope in the future, people will learn to balance their responsibilities and their use if the internet.


Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium , totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae abtore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit


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