Wednesday 27 November 2013

One of the GDAYSX Speakers
Google Developers had arranged an event called GDAYSX, wherein there were different speakers talking about latest technologies. These technologies are not only beneficial to the country’s economy as a whole but are also beneficial to every citizen in our country. Honestly, I think this event was more on introductions to the latest technologies present in our country today. I expected discussions on how complex new innovations work. But still, I appreciate the effort of making each discussion interesting to everyone by giving a time limit to each speaker so that everyone’s attention span won’t shorten that easily.

One talk was about the Google Map used as a help for disasters. Honestly, I appreciate the great effort of finding new ways to help those people affected by the super typhoon, Yolanda. Commonly, people think that the best way to help those affected by the typhoon is through donations. But for me, relief goods might overflow soon since, not only the Filipinos gave their own donations, but even other nationalities. I think the best way is to use the resources we have around us to help them, like what Google Developers had done. They used Google Map in searching for places that are hard to reach when on land. Google Developers had thought of a way of helping those victims of the typhoon by using their knowledge and skills. This, I think, is better than giving donations.

Another talk was about the Google Map for Business. I think this talk would be a lot helpful to me if I were handling a business. If I were to handle a business, I would definitely enjoy this talk since it taught me a lot of techniques that I could use to extend and flourish my business more. But, to be able to enjoy these benefits of Google Map, I think I should be briefed enough to understand what Google Map is and how to use it.

Lastly, there was a talk which was about Blogging for Your Business. This one would also be a great help if I were already an entrepreneur. But as a student, it gave me some knowledge on what blogging is all about. The talk gave me some perceptions on what a blog should have and not have. For entrepreneurs, I think, this talk would be a great help to them especially now that they knew blogging is just an easy task, since the speaker himself had done one for a business, which helped that certain business be recognized more.

Outside the Hall
The event, as a whole, was a great one. Talking about the fun side of the event, I personally love the freebies available during the event: free food, free picture, and free drinks. For people who have very short attention spans, these treats will surely divert their attention from the discussion, if ever they got bored, enough for them to regain their interest in the topic. But talking about the discussions and talks itself, in my opinion, I think some of the discussions are a bit information-lacking. I was looking for more new technologies, something that will surprise and amaze me.  Still, I think, the whole event was a really fun event. I just hope that there would be more complex information than just introducing the basics about a new technology.


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