Thursday 28 November 2013
by Jessa V. De Guzman

            GdayX has been a very interesting and useful event especially for entrepreneurs but also for students like me. Interesting because it had showed that Google was not only useful for gathering information but it can also be a powerful tool in enhancing businesses. It gave me new ideas about the applications and new features of Google specifically, Google Maps.

            Google mapping is a great breakthrough of Google technology. It is not only useful in tracking and finding specific locations, it was also enhanced to aid entrepreneurs. Using Google Map, a starting entrepreneur can advertise and tell its customers its specific location. It also allows a business owner to get reviews from its customers, which will help in improving the business. In case of a business which includes delivery of product service, Google mapping helps in tracking the location of the customers with less hassle and minimal time. Google mapping was also beneficial in emergency crises just like the recent calamities of the Philippines. Through Google Map, donators can easily locate the place and facilitate relief giving operations on affected areas. It also provides information to other people about the nearest place where they can give their donations. Thus, relief giving can be conducted with minimal time hassles on locating the area.

            This information will really be useful for entrepreneurs but as a student of STS, it teaches me to develop a positive attitude towards technology and use it to the fullest. I just imagine the development from the crude maps with less precision to the present Google Maps which will not only tell the location of a certain place, it can also provide the estimated time to reach a destination and show 3 dimensional pictures of that place. Through advancement of technology, our world was made small to communicate and locate people from all parts of the globe. Technology after all, was not really made to broaden the gap but to build bridges between the relationships of people. As an example, Google map serves as a bridge to help other people in times of emergency crises. Thus, if technology were only to be used for its sole purpose, world’s great dilemmas will be reduced. The event also encouraged me to become a part in developing this technology by using and harnessing its benefits responsibly.


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