Thursday 12 December 2013
Andayon, Patricia Carmela V.
Catching fire: Reaction Paper

Will the Odds Be Ever in Our Favor?

Science fiction is defined as “fiction dealing principally with the impact of actual or imagined science on society or individuals or having a scientific factor as an essential orienting component” (Merriam –Webster Incorporated, 2013). Based on the definition, catching fire has an element of science fiction because the advance technology that is featured in the movie is not available today. The Hunger Games resulted because of greed and lust for power of the leader of the Capitol. The movie, Catching fire is basically about powerful versus the powerless and this theme has been present in the movies, books etc. ever since.

Human history is filled with struggles of power and until now, it is still our story and it sure looks like it would also be in the future. As aforementioned, the movie is basically about the powerful versus the powerless. The main reason why the hunger games started is because of the leader of the Capitol, President Snow, wants to show to the districts that he is the most powerful and the districts should not disobey him because there would be grave consequences if they did. Katniss symbolizes hope for the people that the tyrannical reign of President Snow can be stopped and in the movie Catching Fire, Katniss refused to take up the gauntlet at first, but after seeing her love ones hurt, she realizes that the people need her to rise up against President Snow.

In the Philippine society, during the EDSA revolution, Corazon Aquino became the symbol of hope for the Filipino people against the tyranny of President Marcos. At first, Corazon Aquino did not want to be involved in the chaotic world of the government but after seeing the pleas of the people to help them put an end to their suffering under Marcos she did took the post as the symbol of hope.

Science and technology are two powerful things and it could be either used for good or for destruction. The Capitol used technology to oppress the districts and this is not how science and technology should be used. It is supposed to enhance and improve the quality of life of the people and not destroy it.

Merriam-Webster Incorporated. (2013). Science Fiction. Retrieved from Accessed on 1 December 2013 


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