Monday 13 January 2014
         by Clare Tan
         Futurama is full of science. And comedy. In fact most of the time, it's the comedy that gets noticed, while the science stands as a cute background. I mean really, suicide booths? That is satire gold, who in the world cares about how they're made?
Not only that, it can be a little hard to notice the scientific things when you're focused on the plot. The show's take on time travelling for example - cryogenics versus the overused "time machine" that usually shows up in cartoons - would hardly be appreciated by someone watching and shouting "OMG HE'S TIME TRAVELLING."
And yet by definition, science is the backbone of Futurama. It is a sci-fi show after all. What use would sending someone to the future be if there were no "new technology show-off" moments?
The fact that a lot of futuristic things in Futurama aren't exactly, well, shocking, shows just how our society views science. Loads of new scientific discoveries are being made every day. Subconsciously, we probably all believe that this will keep going indefinitely, leading to highly advanced technology in the future. Futurama just showcases this view in comedic cartoon form, giving us a society that is highly integrated with science, not unlike our societies today.  
So in summary, what's Futurama's take on the fate of the future? Science will take huge leaps forward, people will act more or less the same - even though they may look different, or cease to be human - and the rate of cryogenics related accidents will have a significant increase. Oh, and comedy never dies.    


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