Thursday 12 December 2013
At 4:00 pm, the previous class had not been dismissed yet. Sounds of suspense, coupled with occasional shouting from the class before us left us thrilled to already start with the class.

The film started out eerie making me feel a little bit uncomfortable. When the title The Fly was flashed, I instantly got curious on what the significance of a mere fly is on the movie. That got me hooked.

The story, all together, was weirdly amazing. In the first part, my mind had so many questions such as “Why are there inconsistencies in the stories told by the characters?”, “Why does the woman look so calm having killed his beloved husband?”, or “What does the fly have to do with the whole plot?” Those questions kept me fascinated all throughout the film.

Being a science fictional movie, the movie addressed some issues on the effects of thee advancement in technology. There is a limit to everything and the scientist went beyond that boundary as he tested his invention on himself. A simple mistake can result in a big complication such as what happened to him. Indeed, scientists are capable of inventing or discovering such incredible creations that can serve as an aid to the everyday living of society. But along with that power is a great responsibility.

Based on the film alone, it can be assumed that people see science and technology as a threat to our day-to-day life. Science and technology have to be dealt with utmost care and caution. In the end, the movie did not imply any discouragement in learning the sciences. It even inspired the son, Philip, to explore even more as he makes his father his inspiration.

Garcia Dianne S.


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