Thursday 12 December 2013
Life has never been easier – communication between two people across different continents is made possible, traveling from one place to another a thousand miles away is much more efficient and even the simplest task such as opening a can is easier. These are just a few of the deluge of wonders Science and Technology has brought. However, as all things in the world, it has its downsides as well. This is mostly due to the fact that humans, the users, are never satisfied. They crave for instant gratification, for continuous progress, for "something better" than the current one. They want ease. They always seek for greatness and are mostly goal-driven. This is the story of a scientist named Andre Delambre. This is The Fly.

The Fly is a science fiction movie set in the 50’s. It revolves around a man – a scientist – Delambre and a mahcine he built, the disintegrator-integrator. This device is used to transport an object from one place to the other through, as its name suggests, disintegrating the atoms of the object and re-intigrating them in another location. Delambre spent years perfecting it. Finally, he succeeded by using inanimate objects to test its capability and limitations. Blinded by his success, Delambre upped the ante – increasing the risks as well. He tried it on the house cat and failed. However, he did not stop there. He used guinea pigs and the result came out well. Discontent, eventually, he tested the machine on himself. Unfortunately, a fly came in with him during the process. Its atoms got mixed with his and when they re-integrated, some body parts were switched. His head and an arm were on the fly. Meanwhile, the fly’s head and limb grew in his human form. A few days after, the fly started to control his mind. He begged his wife to save him but, if it proves to be impossible, kill him instead. Failing to capture the fly, the latter occurs.

While categorized as a science fiction film, The Fly encapsulates the repercussions that society’s greed brings forth. As I’ve mentioned, we are really fortunate to gain knowledge and have the expertise to mold Science and Technology into works of pure genius. However, we have to be responsible enough to know its limitations and be aware of its consequences. Everything has its risks but we should be able to make use of our abilities and turn them into calculated ones.


Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium , totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae abtore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit

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