Thursday 12 December 2013
A sci-fi film with a touch of disgust that will certainly keep you wide awake even when you’re in a very cozy, dim room: The Fly.

I personally found the film entertaining because of the print. Its “vintage-ness” was quite evident all throughout the movie—from the fashion style of Helene Delambre to the manners displayed by the characters. However, although I found it entertaining, I wasn’t really interested in how things were going because the film was quite predictable and conventional.

Morality play, as defined in Merriam-Webster dictionary, is “something which involves a direct conflict between right and wrong or good and evil and from which a moral lesson may be drawn”. From that, I don’t think the film can be considered a morality play. I, myself, didn't learn much from the film—it was merely a source of entertainment.

It amazes me, however, that during the 1950’s, people were already open to the idea that the world would soon be a very technological age. Scientists back then were already thinking of ways on how to construct a device or a machine that would be able to transport an object from one place to another in plain seconds. It’s just sad to think that more than half a century has already gone by and the transporter Disintegrator-Integrator still continues to be a mere idea. But hey, ten years, or probably twenty years from now, who knows? :)

Marie Julliene Solidum


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