Tuesday 3 December 2013


            The Hunger Games Catching Fire is a movie about how technology has affected the lives and way of thinking of the people in the movie. It shows how people became followers of technology instead of being the ones who should control over technology. It depicts the difference between people living with too much technology and people living with little technology.  
            For me, this movie is a science fiction movie. It shows how advanced technology is, especially in the Capitol where the rich people are living in. It shows how science and technology controls over the lives of the people in it. Almost half of the citizens of that community benefits from too much technology, while half of them are living a life with little technology.  It is said to be fictional since the advancements seen in the movie is not common or observable yet in our society today. But this doesn’t tell that the science behind the advancements is not true. It is just that it is still not most likely to be seen today with the state of technology that we presently have.
            Possibly, in the near future, we will be able to see the kind of technology present in the movie. High technology gadgets, graphics and all other stuff which can be observed in the movie can happen in the future if we continue to search, create, and develop new devices necessary for humans. That is why I think this film is a commentary about the future. It might, in a sense, be seen as a commentary about the past if the rebellion part in the movie is to be considered. Conspiracies and rebellions against those who have power are what are observable before especially during the times war. But since it is a community wherein high technology is present and hasn’t still occurred today, I can say that it depicts more about what future would be like. It is a much worse depiction of what the world would be if the gap between those who have power and those who are under them is too large due to the presence of too much high technology.
            In the movie, as what I had mentioned above, there is a great gap between the people who are above and people who are below. In addition to that, those people who are below need to fight; and that is through the Hunger Games, which annually happens, wherein representatives from each district would have to kill one another for their own district’s sake. The state of the districts depends on which district will win the annual Hunger Games, and clearly, the district who frequently wins gets to be more developed compared to the other districts but still not in level with those who are above. As seen in the movie, it is obvious that there are districts that are more developed and there are districts that are left behind.


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