Thursday 28 November 2013
Mikko Chino R. Salvador / 2013-70157
Reaction Paper #1
November 28, 2013

GDayX is an event organized by the Google Business Group here in the Philippines, commonly known as GBG Philippines, to educate entrepreneurs and educators on how they can use Google’s services to their own advantage. Different entrepreneurs and GBG heads talk about how Google’s services helped them and they also share some tips on how to efficiently use them.

When we arrived at the venue, Kring Elenzano was lecturing on how a business blog can help in promoting your business. She said that every blog entry, may it be about your products or just something related to your business, can help promote your business. She also showed one of her vlogs and told us how the popularity of her vlogs helped her business to gain some traction in the market.

After Kring, Aileen Apolo, from Google, discussed how they use Google Maps to help the victims of calamity. She explained how they gather information to put up crisis-specific landing pages and crisis maps. She also told us how they created Person Finder so that information about the people who are looking for someone and people who are missing can be aggregated in a single place that can be accessed easily. Fleire Castro then took the stage to further elaborate on how they create crisis maps and how people can volunteer in contributing data to Google maps.

Next is JR Padilla, a volunteer mapper. He discussed the history of Google Maps and the evolution of its data and interface. He also explained the benefits of contributing data to Google Maps. Map Maker, MapUps, Google Places and Google+ Local are great tools to add your businesses in Google Maps. By adding your business, you’re not only helping Google widen their collection of data, you’re also making data about your business more accessible to the public, thus, gaining you potential buyers.

Even before I attended GDayXMNL, I already really liked Google’s philosophy as a company. Their products and services aren’t only meant for them to gain profits; it also helps the public in so many ways. We give them information, they collect it, process it and present it in such a way that the public can benefit from it and of course, that includes you.

In this event, I learned how Google operates from the inside. Yes, it’s mostly machines that are doing the work but the people behind Google are the ones responsible in analyzing and presenting the data sent to them. They are a vital part of Google. We are also a vital part of Google. Without us, Google wouldn’t have collected this much information. In a way, Google is a working medium for us; we are a society, working hand in hand, trying to build a large collection of data so that we can preserve our knowledge for future use and at the same time, so that we can easily access that knowledge. It’s amazing to think that in the past, we struggled to get information across a city yet here we are, just a click away in sending information to someone at the other side of the Earth.


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