Monday 13 January 2014
I never thought that what we have now, in the present, would lead to a world like what was shown in the series, Futurama. I can see the imaginative and creative side of the producers of the show. It shows what I think, not only the creators of the show expect to see in the future but also what most of us expect. 

In the show, there is a clear belief in Aliens, UFOs and robots, and clear depiction of, not only high, but extremely advanced and  high technology as compared to what we only have now. An evidence of that is the traffic in the sky. Also, there had been destruction over the century and reconstructions afterwards, but the remains or wastes of destruction are just hidden beneath the new city. Though I never imagined this, I somewhat, support the ideas about the future. I think, these are plausible events that most are expecting from the future. The downside, I can say, in the movie is the clear inequity in the society, wherein people do not get to decide what their job is and do not have the freedom what they would do for themselves. Also, I do not support the idea of UFOs and Aliens, for I do not believe such things do exist. Though for now, I also do not believe in the idea of time travelling, I appreciate the way time travelling was shown in the episode. It only takes capsule and freezing in order to be preserved until the next thousand years. It’s not that I do not believe in the idea of preservation, in fact I do, (who doesn’t?) but when it comes to humans, it is a whole new discussion. Plus the fact that a human is to be frozen for 1 thousand years keeping him/her to still be alive after those years is impossible. No one can live in a capsule, be kept and hibernate for one thousand years. A person cannot survive without the food and water and other necessary things to sustain life. 

We still don’t know what the future, especially with the aid of science, will be. I remain firm that preserving human life is impossible, but we might not now where science will lead us. We don’t know what kind of future is ahead of us, it can either be a good or a bad one. Our world is not to stay for eternity as it will end soon. But still, all of us should contribute to creating a future not according to our own fascinations and creative imaginations but for the benefit and betterment of many


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