Monday 13 January 2014
 by Clare Tan
           "Time enough at last," an episode of the Twilight Zone, was, well, interesting. It focuses on a character named Henry Bemis, who only wants to read. Everybody prevents him from reading however, even his wife. In fact in one scene she rips up a book of poetry, which ironically was the scene that affected me the most.
           Why is that ironic? Because afterwards, Henry Bemis will be the only one to survive an H-bomb explosion. Everyone he knows will be dead, he'll be driven to suicide, and when he finally gets to read, he breaks his glasses. All that, and I was affected by a book being ripped up.
           Now maybe that says more about my love of books than anything else, but it can't be denied that nobody thinks of H-bomb explosions anymore. And I really don't know anyone who would ban you from reading a book. So perhaps it's time for a little episode rewrite?
           If I were to update the episode for modern times, Henry Bemis would definitely be a video game addict. Definitely.
           And everybody would be killed by global warming. A large ice cap would melt and there would be floods everywhere.
          The sad ending equivalent? When Henry Bemis tries to play his video game, the technology will have been damaged by the water.
          So let's put an end to global warming, for the sake of the video games!


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