Thursday 16 January 2014

Oh the Possibilities!

If I were present in the first screening of the movie, “Trip to the Moon”, I would be amazed, excited, inspired and most of all honored that I watched the first motion picture. I would be amazed because I know for sure that I would continually ask myself how they made the film. Back then, still pictures amazed people but pictures in motion? That is really something. I would have been amazing to know what the other spectators were thinking while watching the film.

I would also be excited because I couldn't wait to see the future films that would be made after the first one. Would they make a part two of the film or make a whole different story? The possibilities would definitely make me excited. I would be inspired because I would also want to go to the moon or make movies.  I would also be honored because it’s the first of its kind and it’s an important part of our history and I would be very happy to be a part of it.

I am very intrigued about what must have been the inspiration of the film maker. The film looked like a lot of work was put into it. What must have he felt when watching the movie himself? Was he also emotional and proud about the film that he had made?

 The film must have been a technological advancement during that time.  Though today, it was hard to appreciate the film because of its poor quality compared to the quality of the films that we have now. Moreover, the plot was somehow not that interesting because we were very much used to the story of the different adventures to the moon and space. But we cannot take away the fact that it was an important film since the film paved the way to the other movies that came after it. If the film did not push through and was unsuccessful, there might be a possibility that the films today would be very different. Or to be bold, there might not be films at all. The technology that goes along with it would never be invented and improved such as the screens. Screens became an essential part of our lives. Almost all of us if not all has cell phones of our own and televisions and computers in our homes. Our lives wouldn't be the same if it weren't for the film. 


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