Wednesday 15 January 2014
Surprised. Amazed. Astonished. These are the reactions that I could have had if I were to watch the film Trip to the Moon during the date of its first screening. Of course, now, I admit that the film’s quality is poor compared to the films that are produced today. But still, considering the time that it was made, this film is really great one.

One reason why I think I’d be amazed watching this during its first screening is that I don’t know how people during those times learned about filming. If today is the time of continuous development and improvement of films, then at those times, it can be considered as the origin or start of filming. I am amazed by the fact that they were able to produce especially this kind of film.

Another reason is that the concept of the film was extraordinary. Actually, I think people today would find it corny and shallow rather than creative or imaginative. This is because, now people have a wide range of movies wherein we get to watch any genres of movies we want. But people before are surely entertained with the film’s concept. With the background music, the props, the story and sequence of events, people during those times are definitely entertained by this film.

I do not think this film has a downside, since during those times the editing tools/techniques are not as complicated as the editing tools/techniques today. The background music, though not as smoothly as we can imagine, blends with the video, plus the props in the set, where it was filmed, are really made to look as realistic as possible. It is not a simple background, like when they got to the moon; the set was detailed just as how they think the moon would be like. In addition to that, I think the viewers at that time were informed a little about what how explorations would be like, though like how it is in reality, but viewers of the film would have a little knowledge of how explorations in new dimensions happen. I would say, the film was entertaining and at the same time, I would not say absolutely, rather, quite educational. And I think during those times, these kinds of films are wanted and praised by many people.


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