Wednesday 15 January 2014
If I were given a chance to drink a glass of water from the fountain of youth every now and then until I reach the age of 1004, then I would see, as depicted in the series Futurama, a world full of aliens, robots, and spaceships. And I honestly don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing.

Personally, as an Electronics and Communications Engineering student in UP Diliman, I don’t think anything is impossible anymore. Well, except for time travelling.

I believe that scientists will be able to find cure for cancer. I believe that scientists will be able to clone humans successfully. I believe that scientists will be able to invent domestic robots that could help us in our everyday lives. I believe that scientists will be able to invent a device that could transport an object from one place to another in mere split seconds. I even believe that scientists will be able to create a spaceship that can go to other galaxies and will be able to find life there. But to believe that it is possible for us, humans, to time travel? No will do.

But then, if you come to think about it, Fry, the protagonist of the whole series of Futurama, didn’t exactly “time travel”. In fact, he was just frozen for a thousand years inside a cryogenics case. It just seemed as though he time travelled because everything around him after he got out of the case was futuristic. I mean seriously, imagine sleeping for a thousand years, and then suddenly waking up to a world very different from the world you got used to. Imagine waking up to a world without cars, but rather a world full of spaceships and hovercrafts. Imagine waking up to a world with bender robots and Cyclops with purple hair. Imagine waking up to a world with a museum full of heads that are moving on their own. How bizarre!

I have seen a lot of Sci-Fi movies, short films, and series, but what makes Futurama different from the others is that it is not all metallic, shiny, and electrical. This series has just the right amount of science fiction, plus the appropriate measure of humor needed to take hold of the attention of the viewers long enough.

In general, I must say this series is a must watch if you’re into sci-fi films because it informs you without boring you to death. :)


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