Wednesday 15 January 2014
Often when we try to imagine future, we picture advanced inventions in the field of science, alien invasions and the lifestyle and living of people revolves not on nature but on technology. This is thoroughly reflected in the comic series entitled “Futurama”. The story is centered on a man stricken with sadness due to his failures on his life however, was accidently put in a cryogenic machine and time travelled. He was preserved up to 400 years and was awestruck upon seeing huge change on Earth.
Being a comic series with a light twist of comedy, the sitcom was truly enjoying. It also reflected the ideology of the people at the time the film was created, which was the year 1999 where people anticipates the coming of the new century. The way the author and the animator put the characters, the concept and the idea together into a single entertainment leaves an impact to the viewers. For me, the show makes me think about what the future will really be. Futurama tickles my imagination about the coming future and it let me ponder about the changes that will happen. Thus, this show let me realize how important media and technology is in influencing the ideology of the society, which in the case of the film is the ideology about the future. It makes me be aware about the impact of technology at the society and how will it shape the near future.

Futurama embodied a possibility of what the future will be. The show’s prediction about the future was that it will be greatly governed by science and technology and there is a possibility of extra-terrestrial beings living on earth. Science and technology will function as the sole working mechanism on the life on earth. Futurama influences its audience the way I am influenced, the same way it influences the future and science at that time. After 14 years, the future of the science in the film affected the science today. Robotics is much developed and DNA tracking and mapping of every race advanced, like the ones shown in the sitcom. Thus, the show somehow urged the development of science in the future through the ideology it implies. 


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