Monday 13 January 2014
“Space – it seems to go on and on forever. But then you get to the end and a gorilla starts to throw barrels at you. And that’s how you play the game.”

Futurama is not just a cartoon – but a satire on the future, rather, the insistence even the people’s obsession in tryng to develop certainty about the future. It is therefore in contrast that majority of the show is focused on celebrating the unpredictability of the future. The main character, Fry, lived this notion. He was a normal pizza delivery guy – he might’ve never given interest in time travelling or he might’ve not thought about it at all but, surprisingly, he actually does so. It seemed easy – cryogenically freezing himself without experiencing any pain. Flash forward a thousand years and he’s living in a whole new environment full of unexpected things.

Matt Groening gives a whole new approach to strange and absurdity through Futurama. He exemplifies unpredictability by putting in Alien characters, robots taking insta-suicide, air tubes for transportation, and genetics-based jobs for a lifetime, among others. Because, at the end of the day, the truth is humans can never predict what the future holds. We can only prepare for whatever it is that is waiting for us then.


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