Monday 13 January 2014

Futurama Time

The show Futurama, showed me a world where science and technology were so advanced that in the year 2000, it was possible to time travel. In fact an ordinary pizza delivery boy, Fry, the lead character of the series was transported to the year 3000! There, he saw cars flying, people travelling in tubes, personal rocket ships, and robots! Yes, I know that we already have “robots” today but in the series, the robot that Fry met has his own mind, feelings and he can, get ready for this, he can get drunk.  Fry and bender, the robot, became good friends in the movie. This showed that in that world, humans and technology can form a special relationship such as friendship unlike in our present society where we treat technology as only material things.

Time travelling in the series is unique because people can only time travel forward not backward. This means that if you decide to skip 1000 years, you can never go back. This fact can be really intimidating. Consequently, the decision of time travelling should not be taken lightly. That’s why the people there do not time travel all the time. Time travelling for me is more appealing if it could allow me to time travel back in to the past to relive my happy memories. As for the future, I would prefer it to unfold naturally.

In the series, not only robots cohabit the earth but also aliens such as Leila which was a Cyclops. She used to be one of the beings that control the device which determines what the people, aliens, and robots jobs would be. With this, we could see that in that world, there would be less freedom for the people to choose what jobs they want since the computers now choose what they need to be.  When Leila decided that she had enough of her job and go with Fry, the police did not allow this because she must follow the order of things. I personally, wouldn't want that for myself and others. Our history was full of struggles for freedom and it would be so ironic if in the end, we were right back from where we started.

The series showed that even though the technology in the future would be so advanced, the lives of the people did not improve. In fact, it may have become worse. This was contradictory to why science and technology were so important. Many of us believe that science and technology can improve the lives of the people. But in the series, the future has suicide booths. This future doesn't seem a pleasant one. Nevertheless, the series showed that the unique qualities of human beings were still there. They could still be happy, sad, form friendships and most importantly, they could still love. There’s still hope. 


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