Saturday 8 March 2014
Science does not only deal with all the technological objects we practically see around us. It influences the music that we have just liked how it influences the society as a whole. Music is practically an expressed art that evolve through the ages. Music reflects the ideology of the society since it is the medium of a musician or a music artist to relate his/her feelings and ideas to the community of people. At first, I only thought that when you relate science with music, you will only get the fact that the technological advancements brought by science causes the evolution of musical instruments and how music was processed and transferred and accessed by people. However, I miss something and that is the fact that science as well affected the message enveloped through the melodies and accompaniments of music or a song. A music theme reflects the state of science at that certain time. Just like how science affects the ideology shown in the films, it also influences music that way. Just to share, I’m a Kpop fan and recently two big girl groups in Kpop namely Girls’ Generation and 2ne1 released their new albums and I think it was science-influenced music. Girls’ Generation’s music featured a story in which the girls operated and transplanted a man which they love to make him be alive again and to me it looks like Frankenstein. On the other hand, 2ne1 showed a story about the future where there will be a program-generated ‘virtual world’ in which the mind of the people is on the virtual while his physical body lies on the real world and again it is scientifically influenced. This makes me more curious about the music themes that will come out as science progresses in the future.


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