Thursday 16 January 2014
In more ways than the other aspects, I found Time Enough at Last one of the installments in the Twilight Zone series concerned about how influential technology is. In this case, the object highlighted is the “H-Bomb.” It emits the message that bombs are a reflection of power. After all, the original bomb, the A-Bomb was first used during the second World War and caused a gigantic mayhem wherever it landed. Also, the show points out how destructive it can be not just to the environment but also to the society as well – wiping out an entire population save one person. Devastated as that person may be, he found a torn-up library full of books still worth a lifetime of reading. And while we may think that the protagonist, Henry Bemis, has found time enough to live his dream, he is barricaded by the loss of his glasses (another product of technological innovation).

Given the chance of adaptation, I would like to see Time Enough at Last onstage - keeping the storyline, characters, and even the script intact. This is because, personally, I find stage plays more appealing than onscreen shows.


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