Monday 20 January 2014
Two main ideas concerned me while watching the episode “Time Enough At Last”. One, that I hate Helen Bemis so much I could kill her. And two, that I’m grateful the episode isn’t very gruesome.

The hatred I feel towards Helen Bemis is so intense, I imagined myself pulling her hair off her head. It’s just not fair to Henry Bemis to be married to a woman as bossy and as insensitive as Helen. I’m not a fan of online games, but if my boyfriend wanted to play, I won’t unplug the PC.

Also, I’m very pleased that the episode isn’t extremely horrid because I watched it again at around 3 am, and I can’t picture myself watching revolting videos early in the morning.

Anyway, going back to the main point, if I were to make an adaptation of the story, I’ll make Henry Bemis an awesome person.

In my story, everybody adores the famous author Henry Bemis because uhm, in our generation, almost everybody (or at least, most of the people I acquaint myself with) loves books. In one of his book signing events, every person, and I mean EVERY PERSON alive, went to the venue. Unfortunately, due to the excitement of the fans, people passed out, got dehydrated, got hurt, whatever. In the end, nobody was left in the book signing event except for Henry Bemis himself. There, he felt so lonely and depressed that he wanted to kill himself. While searching for a sharp thing that he could use, he came across a huge room full of books with blank pages. The problem? There was no pen around. The end.

Okaaaay, my story was very lame. Oh well, that’s the best I can think of right now. :)


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