Wednesday 15 January 2014
The episode”Time enough at Last” of the “Twilight Zone” TV series tackled a tragic story about a man, Henry Bemis, who enjoys reading however, was ridiculed by the people around him. When a hydrogen bomb exploded in his place, he was the only one to survive. This film discussed the technology, science, arts and even politics at that time. If I were to make an adaptation of the film at present, I prefer that it must still reflect science, technology, arts and politics of the 21st century but in the Filipino context.
I would rewrite the story by putting the main character as an environmentalist. He has great passion for caring the environment. He also encourages awareness on the use of modern technology and he does all of these by writing essays and articles on websites and blogs which reflects his advocacies in protecting Earth. He specially addressed the deforestation in their area for the commercialization of the land into a Chinese business area. However, even their governor, who has been paid by the Chinese merchant, rebuked him saying that he cares for useless things. There are also a lot of people, specifically the young generation, who criticized his passion saying that his works are trite and boring. Even his family is against his advocacies believing that his writings are just a waste of time. Thus he is forced to abandon his passion against his will.
 Heavy rains poured and floods rage and all the people died except him. Now, he had enough freedom to express his beliefs.
The ending was still tragic.


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