Wednesday 15 January 2014

“What will it really be like on the moon?” This question probably crosses every person’s mind as one stares at the shining moon in a starry night. This question is answered creatively in the creation of the show Trip to the Moon.
The way the lively music of the orchestra and band, the colorful play of pictures and the creative backgrounds put together, makes the show very interesting to watch. Even though the characters were not saying anything, their gestures and fixtures alone describe their feelings and emotions. This colored version of a video show was an indication of a great leap in technology. The creation of this show is truly a great step in the entertainment industry. It is because it minimalizes the errors of an entertainment program and in addition, can add amazing visuals on the show compared to a live, onstage performance with limited props, which overall contributes to the satisfaction of the audience.
From this, I imagine the evolution of entertainment from people performing live in theater to the form of clear, colorful, lively videos which can even be enjoyed at the comfort of one’s home. Through technology, I imagine more thrilling inventions for the comfort of humans in the future. On the other hand, the story itself tickles my imagination. Questions such as “Is it really possible to go to the moon?, Are there any inhabitants there?, Can a man survive or live in the moon?, What will the moon looks like?” flash across my imagination. Somehow, this show relates how man interests life on the moon. It reflects the author’s belief about the future where man can give a giant leap on the lunar soil. It lets me ponder about the future of space and moon exploration and makes me be aware of it. Thus, this show makes me realize of how technology and media influences the society by letting people watch this video. Though this show was created for the purpose of entertainment, it manifests how important the future of technology to reveal the many mysteries of nature. It indirectly implies the role of technology in achieving man’s dreams.


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